How PRP can be Useful in Treating Acne Scars?

How PRP can be Useful in Treating Acne Scars?

Acne is a common skin ailment that most people have to deal with in their lifetime. However, the severity of the condition can vary from person to person with some individuals showing stubborn scars than others. The ones who usually face severe acne are left with scars even after the acne had healed. This drives them to seek treatment or look for remedies to get rid of the scars. People suffering from acne scars know how difficult it is to get rid of them. They may try a raft of products such as ointments but often end up with little or no improvement. 

This is where consulting a specialist becomes important as he or she can suggest a host of procedures, including PRP, to treat the issue fully. In fact, PRP has shown noticeable improvements in healing stubborn scars caused by acne and even accidents. Let’s understand how PRP can help you in treating your acne scars. However, before proceeding, it is important to note that for effective and long-lasting results, it is important to visit a reliable clinic, say, Twachaa by Saraswat at Gurgaon for receiving the best acne treatment in Gurgaon.

What is PRP treatment and how does it work to heal the scars?

PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment is a procedure in which the plasma extracted from your blood is combined with your platelets to make a serum or solution. Then this solution is injected into the spots where you have acne scars to promote healing.

Your plasma contains proteins and nutrients that are not only responsible for rejuvenating and healing your skin cells but also have anti-ageing properties to elevate the overall look of the skin. Thus, when injected in the affected area, it can boost healing and allow the acne scars to gradually fade away.

What should you expect during the PRP treatment?

A PRP treatment requires you to book a regular appointment with your doctor and deposit your blood for the process. The blood is then put in a centrifuge to separate the platelets, which are then collected to combine with your plasma. This is then injected into the areas where you have acne scars. For better results, PRP is combined with other treatments like derma pen therapy and injection with subcision.

What should you expect after the PRP treatment?

After you have undergone the treatment, the doctor will prescribe you the right post-treatment procedure that you need to follow to obtain the best result. Generally, doctors advise you to avoid cleaning and washing the treated area for the next 24 to 48 hours. It is normal for the treated area to be sensitive for a couple of days before the process of healing begins. The results are generally visible six months after undergoing the treatment. 

Why should you choose this method? 

PRP treatment is relatively safe and risk-free as your own plasma and platelets are used for the treatment thereby reducing the chances of complications. If you have no blood disease then opting for the PRP treatment to reduce your acne and other scars can be one of the best decisions you can make. However, only your doctor can help you determine the type of acne treatment you ought to undergo to address your problem.  He or she does it after studying your problem, expectations and the exact requirements.

Why should you visit Twachaa by Saraswat for PRP treatment?

When you are considering undergoing a treatment like PRP therapy, it is important to choose a centre/clinic that can deliver the best result. Twachaa by Saraswat is one such clinic that can provide you with the best acne scar treatment Gurgaon. This clinic is run by two of the best ABHRS certified doctors in India who have more than 17 years of experience and have offered their services to treat many patients in their careers. They offer customized treatments and offer the finest PRP therapy combined with derma pen therapy for best result.

Dr. Satya Saraswat (MBBS, M.Ch, MS, and DNB Gold Medalist) is a renowned plastic surgeon and hair transplant doctor in India. He is associated with international boards like ISHRS and ABHRS.

Dr. Preeti Saraswat (MBBS and PGDCC from the University of Greifswald Germany) is known for her expertise in the field of cosmetology and has performed many cosmetic surgeries in her 17-year long career. Apart from being a full-time member of ISHRS and AAAM, she is also a Diplomate of ABHRS.


Acne scars are painful to deal with as they not only disfigure the face but also affect an individual emotionally. However, advanced treatments like PRP can help you get rid of these scars and lead a happy life. To get an appointment with the best doctor for PRP therapy at Twachaa by Saraswat, one of the best destinations for acne treatment in Gurgaon, you may send an email to

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